lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

I would like to remember when was the first time I saw you.How in a glimpse you caught my eye,I dont recall the exact moment,but you know I wish I could.I perfectly know that it wont change the way things are,but maybe,if we study the sorrounding factors,how did I fell for this,trying to unsuccesfully fill any of your imaginary requests.In your grandiosity that are not room for excessive admiration or love of any kind,but a self mechanism for reaching the highest points,which I admire gratefully.How come that I gain interest in someone,with a strict profile,with numerical characteristics;which place of birth,year,name,paradigm doesn`t match.Perhaps you will laugh,probably you should after all,I imagine the large number of them,one more is not of great importance.However you get a rise out of me and I`m getting bored of that.However,my tears wasted had been a few compare with the anguish others bring me.Apparently whats unreal,unreachable,desirable is a fount of inmense joy,with few dissapointmens,on the contrary of some beliefs.However,a life of you,a life of platonic incompletness only leads to a no-lived life,to half love to others to end in desperation.I might say that I`m not even here,I`m just thinking of you every moment of my life for the past seconds,hours,days...So why are you doing this?

1 comentario:

P a n c h o dijo...

Saludos compañera!
espero estes bien!
Un abrazo desde Temuco!